You'll find lots of useful information about your stay in fully accessible Lübeck here. From telephone boxes suitable for disabled users, to disabled toilets to wheelchair hire.
In November 2015, our Tourist Information Office was the first in North Germany to be awarded the Seal of Quality for generation-friendly Shopping by Handelsverband Nord (HV Nord). Retail establishments that respond to the needs of customers of all ages with greater or lesser disability, are awarded this seal of quality. The orange sticker depicting a white shopping bag on wheels signals that the Tourist Information Office in Lübeck is “exceptionally generation-friendly”.
Barrier-free toilets:
Central bus station
Key for disabled toilets:
A WC key providing access to all disabled WCs throughout Germany can be purchased for €21 on presentation of a disability and identity card. In Lübeck, the key can be obtained from the waste management offices (Entsorgungsbetrieben) Lübeck, Malmöstr. 22, 23560 Lübeck, Tel.: 0451 707600
Telephone boxes suitable for disabled users in Lübeck’s Old Town:
Wheelchair Hire
Sanitäthaus Schütt & Grundei
MeinHilfsmittel – a service of Sopamo GmbH
Handicapped assistance Administrative center Mühlentor