St. Giles'


Baroque and Renaissance merge in the smallest of Lübeck's five large old town churches.

Baroque and Renaissance elements are combined in the smallest of the five major churches in Lübeck’s Old Town.

St. Giles’ lies at the centre of the former craftsmen's and farmers’ district on the Eastern slope of the town centre hill facing Wakenitz. Today's three-naved hall church dates from the first third of the 14th century. St. Giles' is magnificently adorned with Gothic wall paintings and elements from the Baroque and Renaissance period and has numerous works of art. The carved choir (1587) by Tönnies Evers the Younger is a particular highlight as well as the Gothic wall paintings in the choir and tower hall.

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St. Giles'
Aegidienstr. 75
23552 Lübeck

Phone: 0451 705622

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