Lübeck und Travemünde Marketing (LTM)
![luebeck-hansekulturfestival-regenschirme.jpg [Translate to Englisch:] Bunte hängende Regenschirme](https://luebeck.datacycle.cloud/asset/external/T0vk7EmkB_vFoTRpUsPgV46C9SBGHl2xOtYmxMi8r5Y/123456/lossless/fit/448/0/0/sm/0:0/luebeck-hansekulturfestival-regenschirme.webp?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3NldHMubHVlYmVjay10b3VyaXNtdXMuZGUvL2ZpbGVhZG1pbi9tZWRpZW5fYWxsZS9MdWViZWNrL0t1bHR1ci1IS0YvSGFuc2VLdWx0dXJGZXN0aXZhbC9sdWViZWNrLWhhbnNla3VsdHVyZmVzdGl2YWwtcmVnZW5zY2hpcm1lLmpwZw)
The HANSEKULTUR.FESTIVAL is held in Lübeck every two years. The “old town festival” has thus been decked out in new attire. The HKF draws its lifeblood from the participation of residents, activities where people can join in and from a sense of community. Grand stages are deliberately avoided as the whole district becomes a stage. The HKF is always somewhere else in order to show equal appreciation of all locations and partners. A Fair.Organic.Regional market always forms part of the festival.
Further information: www.hansekulturfestival.de