Lübeck und Travemünde Marketing

Print products are being increasingly reduced to the bare essentials. Instead of large-format magazines, city maps are now published with routes and highlights marked as well as cycle maps, adventure maps and postcards with QR codes that lead to digital offers. A digital event flyer is integrated with the “Lübeck Bay Guide” as an alternative to printed event calendars.

In 2030, our guests will experience Lübeck and Travemünde as two climate-friendly travel destinations, each with its own profile: Lübeck is the culture city and Travemünde the seaside resort on the Baltic Sea. The quality of life in Lübeck and Travemünde is equally high in both towns. We treat each other and our natural resources with respect. (Tourism Development Concept Lübeck and Travemünde 2030).

Lübeck und Travemünde Marketing

Im Jahr 2030 erleben unsere Gäste Lübeck und Travemünde als zwei klimafreundliche Reiseziele mit jeweils eigenem Profil: Lübeck ist die Kulturstadt und Travemünde das Seebad an der Ostsee. Lübeck und Travemünde sind gleichermaßen lebenswert. Hier gehen wir wertschätzend miteinander und unseren natürlichen Ressourcen um. (Tourismusentwicklungskonzept Lübeck und Travemünde 2030).