On the go
by bus, train and car
On the go
by bus, train and car
Barrier-free in the Hanseatic city
In Lübeck, you can get around barrier-free in many different ways. Here you'll find plenty of useful information on travelling barrier-free by bus, train and car in Lübeck.
Getting around by bus
All buses can be lowered and are, therefore, wheelchair accessible. Ramps also facilitate better access to vehicles. There are controls to request the doors to be opened on the inside and outside of the bus. Attendants are also on hand to provide assistance with getting on and off.
Blind and visually impaired guests are provided with special orientation and touch maps of the central bus station and Gustav-Radbruch-Platz from the ServiceCenter at the central bus station (ZOB).
For more information, please contact the Mobility Advice Centre on Tel +49 451 8882745.
Getting around by train
The main railway station in Lübeck is fully accessible with lifts to the platforms. The DB Service Point is open until 10 pm. The DB Travel Centre is barrier-free and tactile guidance strips for the visually impaired with long sticks lead the way to the platforms. There is a toilet for disabled users and disabled parking is available in front of the door.
The railway mission organises people to accompany you to the platforms, assists in getting on and off the train, provides a waiting room and information on train connections.
Tel +49 451 82121
Opening hours:
Mon–Fri 8.30 am–5.30 pm
Sat 8.30 am–12.30 pm
Sundays and nat. holidays closed
Getting around by car
Wheelchair taxi (by prior arrangement):
Taxi Kröhnert, Tel +49 451 6102929
AK Taxi, Tel +49 451 5824597
Disabled parking spaces:
Disabled parking spaces are available and signposted in all public parking areas.